Our passion lies in cultivating high-quality organic vegetables in accordance with the strict guidelines of Demeter, Bioland, and Naturland. We place special emphasis on sustainability, soil regeneration, and the careful use of resources to ensure a quality that meets the highest organic standards.
Our farm cultivates over 1,200 hectares of high-quality organic vegetables, including our main crops: organic carrots, organic cabbage, and organic peas. Additionally, we offer aromatic organic strawberries directly from our farm shop in June and July.
Successful organic farming relies heavily on a well-balanced crop rotation. We place great emphasis on plant protection, plant nutrition, and weed management. Our crop rotation consists of the following steps:
1st and 2nd year: Fallow period with clover grass/flower meadows
3rd year: Cabbage
4th year: Carrots
5th year: Grain
6th year: Peas
Starting from the seventh year, the cycle begins again with clover grass.
Our location in the west of Dithmarschen offers numerous advantages for the cultivation of high-quality organic vegetables. Situated directly on the North Sea coast, our fields benefit from excellent soils and pure air—ideal conditions for sustainable organic farming.
Our soil is a calcareous marsh, a particularly fertile soil type that was covered by the sea 300 years ago. Globally, calcareous marshes are among the most productive agricultural lands.
Another advantage of our location is the excellent air quality, carried by the west wind directly from the sea. This results in fewer pests, providing natural protection for our organic vegetables. The sea air is also low in pollutants, promoting the healthy growth of our organic produce.
As a farmer, I see it as my goal to cultivate our soils in a way that ensures they remain productive for future generations.
Ulf Peter Carstens, Betriebsleiter Landwirtschaft
The soil plays a crucial role in the cultivation of organic vegetables.
A key contribution to improving the humus balance is the large-scale cultivation of clover grass. Additionally, flowering strips in the tramlines and on the field margins loosen the soil for carrot cultivation and provide food and refuge for bees and other beneficial insects.
Diverse crop rotations also support soil health and help combat weed growth.
A distinctive feature of organic vegetable farming is the mechanical or manual control of weeds. We do not use chemical plant protection agents or fertilizers, which helps protect groundwater and prevents soil contamination.
On our cabbage fields, not only does organic vegetables grow, but also a deep connection to nature. The cabbage we harvest carries the story of our sustainable cultivation and is more than just a food item.
Joshua Stein, Betriebsleiter Kohlanbau
The decline in bee populations is a growing issue for vegetable cultivation, as approximately 80% of cultivated and wild plants in Germany rely on bees and other insects for pollination.
We are committed to protecting local flora and fauna. Therefore, each year, we sow regional flowering plants on one-third of our area and create flowering strips. These measures enhance biodiversity and provide important habitats for animals such as field hares, wild ducks, and wild bees.
For honeybees, we offer new pollen and nectar sources after the canola bloom. Our six-year crop rotation also includes a flowering meadow phase, which not only keeps pests away from our organic vegetables but also promotes soil health and allows nitrogen enrichment through legumes.
Additionally, for several years, we have implemented a mowing concept where clover grass and flowering meadow areas are mowed only on one side. This ensures the preservation of habitats for insects and other wildlife.
Zum Westhof 6, DE-25764 Friedrichsgabekoog
+ 49 4839 9535-0
Mit dieser Maßnahme werden landwirtschaftliche Betriebe bei der Einführung von ökologischer Landwirtschaft und deren Beibehaltung unterstützt.