greenhouse tomatoes

The expansion of our freezing company will enable us to produce more efficiently, increase our flexibility and offer an even greater variety of products. With a clear focus on sustainable and carbon-neutral production, we continue to emphasise quality and environmental awareness at every stage of our supply chain.

Organic only

BIO-FROST Westhof GmbH, founded in 1998, is the only German freezing facility that specializes exclusively in processing organic vegetables from certified organic farms. Recognized as an organic, Demeter and Naturland processor and in accordance with the Basic Organic Regulation (EU) 2018/848 and IFS-certified since 2006, we offer seamless batch traceability.

Our tasty and uncontaminated food is the result of environmentally friendly and resource-conserving production. Thanks to our location in one of the largest organic growing areas in Europe, the organic vegetables can be processed directly after harvesting and frozen as organic frozen vegetables, which guarantees exceptional freshness.

You can find our range of organic frozen vegetables [here].

It goes without saying that we do not use any additives in our production. These quality standards have convinced well-known manufacturers of organic food and baby food, who are among our satisfied customers.

Unsere nachhaltige Tiefkühlkost umfasst eine Vielzahl an Bio-Gemüsesorten, darunter Bio-Brokkoli, Bio-Blumenkohl, Bio-Pastinaken, Bio-Möhren, Bio-Kartoffeln, Bio-Spinat, Bio-Erbsen und vieles mehr. Genießen Sie die Vielfalt und Qualität unserer Produkte für einen gesunden und köstlichen Genuss.
Unsere nachhaltige Tiefkühlkost mit Bio-Gemüse, darunter Bio-Erbsen, stammt direkt vom Westhof. Hier wird höchste Qualität durch nachhaltigen Anbau garantiert, damit Sie gesunden Genuss in Ihrer Küche erleben können.

Westhof Bio-Frosterei

percent renewable energies
tons of organic frozen vegetables per hour
packages per minute


The careful selection of our suppliers guarantees the high quality of our organic vegetables.

Our suppliers are organic farmers who are organized in producer groups, for example. Whether producer groups or farmers – all suppliers must present a valid organic certificate before we accept raw produce from them.

To ensure the greatest possible transparency and field-accurate traceability, the supplier provides us with detailed information upon delivery. We now produce the goods in batches and can assign each one to the farmer and the corresponding area.

Most of our organic vegetables come from Schleswig-Holstein, but also from other regions of Germany. We also source organic produce from other European countries in order to make our supply security less dependent on regional harvest fluctuations. Naturally, we demand the same quality standards here as from our German suppliers.

Auf dem Westhof setzen wir auf nachhaltigen Bio-Anbau, um beste Qualität zu garantieren. Unser Sortiment umfasst Bio-Gemüse wie Brokkoli und andere Kohlgemüse, die für ihren hervorragenden Geschmack und ihre Frische bekannt sind.
Unsere innovative und nachhaltige Tiefkühlproduktion umfasst eine Vielzahl an TK-Bio-Gemüsearten wie Möhren, Brokkoli, Spinat und Blumenkohl. Durch ressourcenschonende Methoden gewährleisten wir höchste Qualität und Frische in jedem Produkt.

It is very special for me to work in one of the most modern freezer plants in the world, which is equipped with the latest technology on the market, is CO2-neutral and is also committed to sustainable practices.


With the construction of our new climate- and resource-friendly organic freezing company with a completely CO₂-neutral energy supply in Friedrichsgabekoog, we are not only expanding our range, but also focusing on sustainable production. Our modern facilities are powered by 100% renewable energy, which not only ensures an environmentally friendly, but also CO₂-neutral energy supply.

With an impressive production capacity of 10 tons per hour, we can ensure a continuous supply. At the same time, we offer an extensive storage capacity of 5000 tons to maintain the freshness and quality of our organic vegetable products. From now on, we not only supply in large containers, but can also produce in small packaging. This flexible option allows us to respond even better to the needs of our customers and offer a wider variety of organic vegetable products.

Unsere nachhaltige Tiefkühlproduktion von TK-Bio-Gemüse wie Möhren, Brokkoli, Blumenkohl und Erbsen ist ressourcenschonend und klimafreundlich. Genieße hochwertige Tiefkühlkost mit bestem Geschmack und einer positiven ökologischen Bilanz.
  • Significant increase in performance

    from 2 t/h -> 10 t/h, new business segment with the addition of small packaging for the food retail trade

  • Expansion of organic acreage

    Increasing organic product diversity – cultivation according to various association guidelines

  • Short delivery routes & processing close to production

    Prompt processing of raw goods into frozen vegetables

  • Water efficiency & resource conservation

    Water recycling & reuse for agriculture, thereby reducing the use of drinking water

  • Use of the latest and most innovative process technology

    Significant reduction of resource consumption

  • Grid-compatible high-temperature storage tank

    Energy storage in the form of heat

The project is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
Commission for Rural Development Policy

Support for rural development through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)

BIO-FROST Westhof GmbH

  • Zum Westhof 6 DE-25764 Friedrichsgabekoog

  • + 49 4839 9532-0

  • info(at)