greenhouse tomatoes

We are a family business and combine social responsibility, environmental protection and economic success. The production of healthy, tasty organic food is our life – the marketing of sustainable, organic products is our passion.


Throughout the year, we present fresh and high-quality organic vegetables that are offered in line with the respective harvest season. The diverse selection includes delicious cabbage and turnip varieties from A-Z, greenhouse vegetables such as juicy tomatoes and crunchy peppers as well as potatoes from certified producers in Dithmarschen and northern Germany.

Discover our extensive range of organic fresh vegetables [here].

Our BIOhandel acts as a professional partner when it comes to organic vegetables. The products can be traced back to the field and are subject to strict quality controls. The focus here is on sustainability, as only high-quality organic products are traded.

Verschiedene Bio-Gemüse-Sorten, darunter Bio-Möhren, Bio-Brokkoli, Bio-Blumenkohl, Bio-Steckrüben, Bio-Rote Bete, Bio-Kohl, Bio-Porree, Bio-Petersilienwurzel, Bio-Gelbe Bete und Bio-Pastinaken, nachhaltig angebaut und präsentiert als hochwertige Bio-Produkte.
Unsere Bio-Möhren sind das Ergebnis von sorgfältigem Bioanbau und ökologischer Landwirtschaft. Diese knackigen Karotten werden mit größter Sorgfalt als Teil unseres hochwertigen Bio-Gemüsesortiments angebaut. Der Fokus auf nachhaltige Praktiken stellt sicher, dass jede Möhre ihren Weg vom Feld bis auf den Teller in bester Qualität findet.

Westhof Organic Trade

tons of organic carrots per year
Hectares of organic farmland in Dithmarschen


We source most of our organic vegetables from the immediate vicinity of the Westhof. In recent years, one of the largest contiguous organic vegetable growing areas in Europe has developed around our farm, with a total of around 4,000 hectares in Dithmarschen being farmed organically. The Westhof alone cultivates an impressive 1,200 hectares according to Demeter, Bioland and Naturland guidelines.

We guarantee the outstanding organic quality of our regional vegetables by carefully selecting our producers. We only accept certified organic vegetables and work closely with local organic farmers.

In addition to our regional range, we also source organic vegetables from various regions of Germany such as Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate. The consistent acceptance of certified organic vegetables, the careful selection of our producers and the trusting cooperation with organic farmers ensure that our high organic quality is maintained.

Auf dem Westhof bauen wir mit Leidenschaft Bio-Brokkoli in bester Qualität an. Unser Bioanbau garantiert, dass nur das beste Bio-Gemüse auf euren Teller kommt. Entdeckt unser erstklassiges Bio-Gemüse und überzeugt euch selbst von der Hingabe, die wir in jede Phase der Produktion stecken.
Der Westhof ist stolz darauf, ein zuverlässiger Bio-Partner zu sein und ein starkes Netzwerk aus engagierten Biobauern und Lieferanten zu unterhalten. Gemeinsam fördern wir den Bioanbau und bieten erstklassiges Bio-Gemüse an. Unsere Biovermarktung basiert auf Vertrauen und Qualität, um sicherzustellen, dass nur die besten Produkte zu euch gelangen.

I really appreciate the personal relationship that the Westhof team and Rainer have with us farmers. Everyone is close to the production side and tries to understand and comprehend it.


In order to meet the constantly growing demand for high-quality organic vegetables, we are expanding our range by purchasing organic produce on the European market. Our main imports come from the Netherlands, Spain and Denmark. By carefully selecting our suppliers and growers, we guarantee consistently high quality, as only organic vegetables are imported.

We maintain close relationships with our suppliers and organic farmers in Europe. Particularly in sunny regions such as Spain, we can offer organic carrots even when the seasonal harvest in Germany and neighboring countries is not possible or the stocks of regional organic carrots are exhausted. In the months from April to July, we import organic carrots from Spain in order to offer our customers continuous availability.

Unsere Bio-Möhren und anderes Bio-Gemüse stehen für bestes Biogemüse in bester Qualität. Erntefrisch und nachhaltig angebaut, bieten wir euch hochwertige Bioprodukte, die mit Sorgfalt und Liebe zum Detail kultiviert werden. Genießt die Frische und den vollen Geschmack unseres Gemüses, das direkt vom Feld auf euren Teller kommt.

Westhof Bio-Gemüse GmbH & Co. KG

  • Zum Westhof 6, DE-25764 Friedrichsgabekoog

  • + 49 4839 9535-0

  • info(at)