greenhouse tomatoes

Our biogas plant is a central element of our circular economy. It supplies nutrients as well as energy and heat for the growth of our organic vegetables.


In our efforts to use nature’s best energy sources, Westhof Energie consistently focuses on renewable energies such as wind, solar and biomass. Through sustainable projects for the generation and marketing of renewable energies, we aim to provide environmentally friendly electricity and heat and make a contribution to the sustainable use of resources.

Our sustainable energy projects cover various areas. In addition to the use of wind and solar energy, we also produce energy from our own biogas plant and a total of 10 combined heat and power plants. We attach particular importance to the fact that the biogas plant only ferments vegetable waste as well as flowering meadow and clover grass cuttings from the crop rotation. This not only ensures an environmentally friendly source of energy, but also prevents food competition for our organic vegetable cultivation.

Der Westhof bietet nachhaltiges Bio-Gemüse und setzt dabei auf regenerative Energiequellen. Klimafreundlich und ressourcenschonend produzieren wir mit Windenergie, Solarenergie und Biogas. Unsere netzdienlichen Energiespeicher sichern eine stabile und umweltfreundliche Versorgung.
Unser Bio-Gemüse wächst nachhaltig dank einer flexiblen Energieversorgung durch Blockheizkraftwerke. Diese netzdienliche und klimafreundliche Lösung nutzt regenerative Energie, um eine umweltfreundliche Produktion zu gewährleisten.

Westhof Organic Energy

million kWh electricity generation per year
million kWh heat generation per year
total output in megawatt of all units


It is not only our energy generation that is green – we are also committed to the sustainable and resource-conserving use of water, a scarce resource. In view of changing climatic conditions and the associated challenges, such as the increasing need to irrigate fields in summer, we are faced with new tasks. In the immediate vicinity of the North Sea, the salt content of the groundwater is too high, which is why we are dependent on the drinking water network. At the height of summer, we are regularly confronted with irrigation bans.

To meet these challenges, we rely on innovative water management solutions. We use a state-of-the-art water treatment plant to purify the process water from our freezing plant. The organic residues are converted into biogas. The treated water is stored in an open, natural lagoon and then used to irrigate our fields to ensure the quality of our organic vegetables.

Unser Bio-Gemüse, darunter unsere köstlichen Bio-Möhren und Bio-Karotten, gedeiht dank nachhaltiger Bewässerung. Diese klimafreundliche Methode fördert optimales Pflanzenwachstum und sichert die Qualität unserer Ernte.
Unser bestes Team aus motivierten Mitarbeitern erzeugt hochwertiges Bio-Gemüse durch eine nachhaltige Kreislaufwirtschaft. Durch die gleichzeitige Erzeugung von Strom und Wärme erreichen BHKWs einen hohen Wirkungsgrad und tragen zur Reduktion von CO2-Emissionen bei, insbesondere wenn sie mit erneuerbaren Energien wie Biogas betrieben werden.

Our biogas plant is unique compared to other plants, as we also use the exhaust gases from the combined heat and power units. Everything that comes out of the engine or normally out of the chimney can be processed and used as fertilizer in the form of into the greenhouse as fertilizer in the form of CO2.

Westhof Energie GmbH & Co. KG

  • Zum Westhof 6, DE-25764 Friedrichsgabekoog

  • + 49 4839 9535-0

  • info(at)