greenhouse tomatoes

Two of Germany’s largest organic greenhouses are located close to the North Sea coast in Wöhrden (4 ha) and Hennstedt (6 ha). We have been producing high-quality organic tomatoes and organic peppers in the fertile soil of Dithmarschen since 2013. Irrigation is carried out exclusively with rainwater, and cultivation is energy-neutral in accordance with the strict Bioland and Naturland guidelines.


Our organic greenhouse in Wöhrden was built using state-of-the-art technology in all areas. Thanks to particularly energy-saving and translucent materials and constructions, up to fifty percent energy is saved compared to conventional greenhouses.

Remarkable features include the seven-metre high standing walls for a good indoor climate, white lattice supports for low shading and high light gain as well as double energy screens for sun protection and economical consumption.

The diffuse special glass is particularly translucent and thus ensures optimum light yield. The 5-ply multi-skin side walls have good insulating properties and therefore keep the heat inside the greenhouse.

Features such as these make us the largest and most modern producer of organic fruit vegetables in the whole of Germany.

In unserem nachhaltigen Bio-Gewächshaus werden neben Tomaten- und Paprikapflanzen auch Bio-Gurken und Bio-Auberginen liebevoll kultiviert. Erleben Sie die Frische und Qualität unseres Bio-Fruchtgemüses aus kontrolliertem Anbau.
Unser nachhaltiges Engagement für Bio-Gemüse zeigt sich in jeder Bio-Paprika, Bio-Tomate und Bio-Aubergine, die wir mit höchster Qualität und Hingabe kultivieren. Unsere motivierten Mitarbeiter setzen sich täglich dafür ein, Ihnen das Beste aus kontrolliert ökologischem Anbau zu bieten.

Westhof Bio-Gewächshaus

kg of tomatoes are produced by one plant per season
meters is the height a tomato plant reaches


Every year, almost 150,000 double-stemmed tomato plants are planted on a total of 10 hectares of cultivated land in Wöhrden and Hennstedt. From April to November, we grow four different tomato varieties – the organic vine tomato, the organic mini vine tomato, the organic Roma tomato and the small organic mini Roma vine tomato.

Find out more about our variety of tomatoes [here].

In unserem nachhaltigen Bio-Gewächshaus gedeihen die besten Bio-Tomaten und weiteres Bio-Gemüse in höchster Qualität. Unsere umweltbewusste Anbaumethode sichert Frische und Geschmack für Genießer und unterstützt zugleich nachhaltige Landwirtschaft.
Unsere motivierten Mitarbeiter kümmern sich liebevoll um unsere erstklassigen Bio-Tomaten, einschließlich köstlicher Snacktomaten. Mit Leidenschaft und nachhaltigem Engagement produzieren wir hochwertiges Bio-Gemüse, das sowohl den Gaumen als auch die Umwelt erfreut.

Our “Sweetelle” mini roma tomato is particularly impressive thanks to its intense aroma and sweetness.


In addition to tomatoes, our greenhouses are also home to around 132,000 double-stemmed bell pepper plants every year. As soon as they have had enough sun and energy to grow, red organic peppers ripen between April and November.

Find out more about our aromatic bell pepper varieties [here].

Our organic bell pepper varieties are large, thick-fleshed block peppers. They are extremely aromatic, with a sweet taste and are ideal for snacking, as a salad garnish, in casseroles, stir-fries and much more.

Genießen Sie beste Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit mit unseren Bio-Paprikasorten und anderem Bio-Gemüse. Unsere umweltfreundliche Anbaumethode garantiert Frische und Geschmack auf höchstem Niveau.

Everyone who visits us in the greenhouse at summertime will fell like in an different world.

In unserem Bio-Gewächshaus pflegen motivierte Mitarbeiter mit großer Leidenschaft unsere Bio-Tomaten und Bio-Paprika. Ihre Hingabe zur Pflanzenpflege sichert die hohe Qualität unseres Bio-Gemüses.
Unsere Bio-Tomaten und Bio-Paprika stammen aus eigenem Anbau in unserem nachhaltigen Bio-Gewächshaus. Hier garantieren wir beste Qualität durch sorgfältigen Bio-Anbau und eine eigene Ernte, die Frische und Nachhaltigkeit vereint.


Our organic greenhouse has transformed into its own little biotope after switching to no-till farming. Through this innovative approach, we not only provide optimal conditions for tomatoes and peppers but also create a habitat for millions of living organisms. From common toads and earthworms to butterflies and soil microbes, a more stable and diverse ecosystem develops year after year. The unique structure of the greenhouse not only enables sustainable organic farming but also creates a unique atmosphere. Those who enter our greenhouse in the summer are transported to another world where nature thrives in harmony with its diversity.

In this harmonious environment, we grow organic eggplants alongside our main crops, destined for both wholesale and our own farm shop. Additionally, we offer exclusive exotic fruits such as melons, turmeric, and ginger.

Westhof Bio-Gewächshaus GmbH & Co. KG

  • Pehrsenweg 1, 25797 Wöhrden

  • + 49 4839 95303-0

  • info(at)

Hennstedter Gewächshaus GmbH & Co. KG

  • Lindener Koog 17, 25779 Hennstedt

  • +49 4836 99638-0

  • info(at)