greenhouse tomatoes


Entdecke erstklassiges Bio-Gemüse aus nachhaltigem Anbau! Wir als zukunftsorientiertes Familienunternehmen und Pionier in der Bio-Branche, erzeugen mit Leidenschaft Biogemüse höchster Qualität.

Sustainable management is important to us to preserve soil fertility for future generations and ensure food production.



Our concept aims to produce no waste. To achieve this, we have developed the “360° Organic Cycle,” in which all by-products are utilized. Only the two main products, electricity and food, leave our cycle.

Organic cultivation

Fresh vegetables, robust clover

Organic cultivation supplies both the retail sector and freezing operations. Clover grass and flowering meadow cuttings from the crop rotation are sent to the biogas plant.

Intelligent farming

Our Research & Development department continually works on new, innovative solutions to make our organic farming even more sustainable.


Organic greenhouse

Our vegetables are full of energy

The organic greenhouse provides freshly harvested tomatoes and peppers to the market. Misshapen fruits are processed in the biogas plant.

Organic trade

Organic quality and biomass

The organic trade prepares the top-quality vegetables for the fresh market and organic freezing. Inedible vegetables are fermented in the biogas plant.

Organic freezing company

A gigantic battery

Organic vegetables from cultivation and trade are carefully processed into frozen products. Non-usable vegetables are fermented in the biogas plant.

Electricity from renewable sources is stored as heat and supplied to the process as needed. Process water is treated, temporarily stored in a lagoon, and used for irrigating agricultural fields.

Renewable energies

Natural fertilizer

The biomass remaining after biogas fermentation is a natural fertilizer and is applied to our soils as needed.

From gas to electricity

When biogas is converted into electricity in the combined heat and power (CHP) plant, it generates heat. This heat is stored and used to warm our organic greenhouses. We first clean the CO2-rich exhaust from the CHP plant and then direct it into our greenhouses, where the CO2 helps our delicious organic vegetables grow.

Unser Familienunternehmen steht für das beste Bio-Gemüse aus nachhaltigem Anbau. Durch eine innovative Kreislaufwirtschaft und einen geschlossenen Energie- und Nährstoffkreislauf produzieren wir ressourcenschonend und bieten erstklassige Qualität.